Micronidling is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of small needles to create microscopic channels in the skin. This procedure can be applied to the face, body, as well as to the scalp. The procedure may usually take several sessions to achieve the desired results. 

The benefits of microneedling include: 

Microneedling is also actively used for the scalp, to improve the quality of hair and accelerate their growth. It should be remembered that the rate of hair growth, as well as their general condition, directly depends on the health of the scalp. In order for the hair to be dense, less split and grow more actively, you should regularly massage the scalp. At the same time, microneedling for hair will help to speed up blood circulation in the scalp and nourish it with useful elements.

Before a microneedling procedure, it is recommended: 


After a microneedling procedure, it is recommended: